Welcome back to my blog! Today we will be continuing a review of resources you can use to get a 5 on the AP Computer Science Principles.
Todays resource that we will be reviewing is a resource that will only apply for those self-studying for the AP Exam so if you are taking the course at school or somewhere else you can skip this post. It is the AP Computer Science Principles Course by VHS Learning.
Above you can see the course offered on their website.

As you may have noticed from above there are 3 courses for AP Computer Science Principles. The course we will be talking about will be AP Computer Science Principles Flexible as this is the course I have used. This course is different from the Computer Science Principles courses because while VHS Learning has given a time duration to complete this course, it is completely flexible and you can work on the course whenever you want with due dates being flexible. However, the content covered in all three courses is the same so this review will help those of you choosing VHS Learning to study for AP Computer Science Principles.
While this course is great for those who want a better understanding of computer science, it was extremely time consuming which in my opinion is not worth it if you were preparing for the AP Exam only. For example, I remember reading and taking notes for hours because of how much content was covered in the textbook. You also learn a lot of concepts in this course that do not come up on the AP Exam such as network topology.
Based upon my experience with this course I would highly recommend it to anyone that wants to learn important concepts in computer science which would give this a 5 stars in terms of content. However, if you are solely studying for the AP Exam I would not recommend this resource unless you have a lot of time to spare due to the time commitment it takes to complete this course. There are many better resources to study for the AP Exam which you can go through much faster such AP Prep Books (Look forward to recommendations in a future post).
Thanks for reading! See you all on the next blog post.